Author: Ron Paul

  • Sell Raw Milk? Go to Jail!

    Sell Raw Milk? Go to Jail!

    While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents. The use of force by federal agents to enforce unjust and unconstitutional laws is one of the major, albeit overlooked, threats to liberty. Too often Americans are victimized by government force simply for engaging…

  • Ron Paul to Congress: Freeze the Budget and Stop Plundering the American People!

    Ron Paul to Congress: Freeze the Budget and Stop Plundering the American People!

    One might think that the recent drama over the debt ceiling involved one side wanting to increase or maintain spending with the other side wanting to drastically cut spending, but that is far from the truth. In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the real debate is over how much government spending will increase.…

  • Free Markets Create Jobs

    [phpzonsidebar title=”At Amazon Now!” keywords=”ron paul” num=”5″ country=”US” searchindex=”Books” trackingid=”commlines-20″ sort=”relevancerank” id=”3″]In this struggling economy it is essential for politicians to take a step back and think about what government has been doing to business in this country.  In less than 200 years, the free market, property rights, and respect for the rule of law…

  • The War That’s Not a War

    In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a green light for Hussein’s invasion. After Iraq’s successful invasion of Kuwait we reacted with gusto and…

  • My Plan for a Freedom President

    … or what a Ron Paul Presidency would be like.