• Lying is Not Patriotic

    Congressman Dr. Ron Paul delivers another impassioned and intelligent speech on the House Floor on how the US Government and our puppet mainstream media is trying to get the American public to fear Wikileaks and Julian Assange, while trying to hide the covert doings of our wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen — where…

  • Neo-Cons using Mosque to Stoke the Fires of War

    Dr. Ron Paul puts the Mosque controversy into perspective with his typical viewpoint of logic and rationality. From their inability to differentiate Iran’s nuclear power plant from a weapon (by design, of course) to their rants about Muslims under every rock (forget about the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion or property rights), Neo-Conservatives continue…

  • Poll: Most Say “Ground Zero Mosque” Is Inappropriate – Political Hotsheet – CBS News

    A CBS News Poll asks “Do the developers have a right to build a Mosque near Ground Zero?” America being a free country, the answer of course, is “yes”. However, while 67% of those polled agreed, 29% said “no”! Do these people hate freedom or property rights or are they just plain stupid? Here’s the…

  • The War That’s Not a War

    In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a green light for Hussein’s invasion. After Iraq’s successful invasion of Kuwait we reacted with gusto and…

  • The Workers vs. The Moochers

    The Mainstream Media has been dividing Americans against each other for decades in order to create controversy and chaos. Race vs. race, poor vs. rich, Republicans vs. Democrats, on and on. But one genuine and significant division they don’t mention concerns those who work and produce vs. those who don’t, or those who give and…