Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Left and Right Establishment Come Together on Secession: Shut Up About It!
These days there has been a lot of talk of nullification – the refusal of a state to allow the enforcement within its borders of an unconstitutional federal law – and even secession. This is not allowed in the United States. We are supposed to let the New York Times dictate the terms of the…
Ron Paul Farewell Speech
Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech to Congress: This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a…
Paul Ryan Is No Ron Paul
By Jane Aitken Founder, NH Tea Party Coalition Bedford Patch There is much abuzz over Mitt Romney’s announcement naming Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate. But many see it as unimpressive, and even premature and just another indication of a desperate move to distract from the idea that the “presumptive…
Mainstream Media Blackout Continues for Ron Paul
I think everyone is now getting the point, the mainstream media, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, etc., doesn’t want you to hear about Ron Paul. The news anchors, writers and the rest of the staff only care about their jobs, not about you getting a fair and honest reporting of the news. They have their…
Ron Paul on FOX News Sunday
Hey readers, Here is a good interview with Ron Paul. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com What do you think? I think this is our next President!
Podcast Episode II
Hey Readers! Here is my latest podcast. [audio: http://politicalwatchdog.com/audio/watchdog3.mp3] Please let me know what you think!
The Importance of a Presidential Election
A few days ago, I wrote about how important the 2012 congressional elections were going to be. At the time, I postulated that winning enough seats to expand conservative control of the House and to gain control of the Senate could go a long way towards shaping the direction the President would take his administration,…
Sticky: The United States Assassinates A Teenager
Hey Readers! Back on September 30th, 2011 I was outraged when I found out that President Obama ordered the assassination of alleged terrorist Anwar Awlaki. This was a United States citizen that was targeted by a drone and killed without due process of law. He had not been convicted of any crime nor had it…
Podcast Episode 1
Hey Readers, PODCAST: Episode 1 In this podcast Peter Schiff will explain how the Herman Cain 9-9-9 plan contains a HIDDEN 9! [audio: http://politicalwatchdog.com/audio/PWD1.mp3] You will also hear about the Ron Paul Black This Out money bomb on October 19th. Be sure you pledge by going to this site: http://www.blackthisout.com/users/politicalwd
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