• The War That’s Not a War

    In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a green light for Hussein’s invasion. After Iraq’s successful invasion of Kuwait we reacted with gusto and…

  • My Plan for a Freedom President

    … or what a Ron Paul Presidency would be like.

  • Americans Deserve a Transparent Fed

    By Ron Paul and Jim DeMint For nearly a century the Federal Reserve has operated in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of Congress, journalists and the American people. Created in 1913, the Fed was given enormous responsibility to protect the value of our currency. Yet in the last 96 years the U.S. dollar…

  • “End the Fed” by Ron Paul now shipping

    Congressman Ron Paul’s new book, “End the Fed“, is now available and shipping. Many people think the Federal Reserve is an indispensable branch of government, but it’s no more Federal than FedEx and indispensable…? In Dr. Paul’s new book, he argues that it is corrupt and unconstitutional, printing money at an incredible rate that is…